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It's All About Work for Students with Disabilities Transition Services in NJ-2.jpg


The Progressive Center for Independent Living's Transition to Employment Program is designed to assist students with disabilities in Mercer and Hunterdon County, NJ, in identifying their career preferences and preparing them for permanent, integrated, and competitive employment. The program is available for students ages 14 to 21 with IEP or 504 plants and is offered through the schools. It consists of two tiers: Tier 1 is an introductory course designed to help students identify their future goals and plan for life after high school. Tier 2 is a more in-depth course that helps students identify their career preferences and learn about the adult service systems and skills needed for independent living. The program also includes two parent training sessions on the transition process. This program must be arranged through your local since it is a fee for service program.

Lab Class

Transition Team Can Help!

Students with disabilities often require substantial preparation to make the transition from school to adult life. Career exploration is critical for all students, but for students with disabilities, it presents special challenges. The time and staff required for this comprehensive career and independent living skill assessment is often in short supply for school district and DVRS offices, which is where Progressive Center for Independent Living Transition Team can help! Recognizing the importance of these life skills, PCIL has developed a comprehensive program that addresses the skills sets necessary for college and career readiness.

All About Work
Program Goals

Crafted by the dedicated PCIL Staff, All About Work presents a comprehensive curriculum centered around the following key goals, serving as the foundational pillars of the program.

1 / Self Discovery for Work & Community Living

To assist students in becoming knowledgeable about their strengths, interests, and needs in relation to work and inclusive community living.

2 / Informed Adult Life Planning

To assist students in developing plans for their adult life based on knowledge learned.

3 / Assessing Work Readiness and
Planning for DVRS Consumers

To help DVRS professional’s determine work readiness and prepare realistic and satisfying work plans for consumers referred to them from this program.

4 / Collaborative Support in Transition Planning

To assist school professionals to prepare students for transition by providing input needed for the creation of an individual transition plan.

Work Environment


To access this program, parents or guardians should contact your school and ask them to provide this for your child. Fees will be covered by participating schools. 

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